Jun 30, 2015

Summer + Family = Fun

I hope everyone is having a great summer!  I am enjoying every moment.  Between working on  projects for the shop and around the house, I'm making plenty of time for my family.  I haven't devoted this much time in, well, forever!

My most favorite thing to do is watch our grandsons at their games.

 Jordan, the youngest at 8, is an awesome soccer player!  

They finished their season just a few weeks ago, and I am amazed at the change I've seen in him since the beginning of the season.  He also had the privilege to attend a British Challenger Soccer Camp held here in the county.

Love this kid!!

Toby, the oldest at 13, is Baseball....all the way.  He's been playing since T-Ball and has grown in strength, ability, maturity - and is just awesome.  Pitcher, catcher, infield or out, he does it all.  He hit a home run last night and his parents timed him.  From the moment the pitcher released the ball to Toby tagging home plate...16 seconds....sixteen.  Any scouts out there?  :)

The All-Star team just won districts and will be heading to State in July!

Awesome bunch of kids!!

In addition to my favorite young men, I love hanging out with these people, too. :)

Dean, our baby girl, Melissa, and her husband, Bobby.

I am loving these lazy days of summer; however, all play and no work brings no money to pay the clerk!  I have a few more projects lined up and an "after" to show tomorrow.  

'til next time!

Jun 17, 2015

Repurposing An Antique Chifferobe

When I saw this beauty at a local thrift store, I was immediately drawn to the legs.  Empire is a favorite style of mine, and I haven't seen too many chifferobes from that era.  Easy decision....we brought it home.

I wanted to come up with a more modern purpose for this piece.  Since most every home now has closets, I knew there could be a better use for it.  The door made it pretty easy.  I envisioned it becoming a chalkboard....and what better place could this be used than a kitchen or a mudroom?  Perfect!  Lots of storage and a place to drop your keys, purse, etc.  The inside of the wardrobe side is just the right size to hang jackets, hats and bags....or serve as a broom closet!

I thought about refinishing it, but since the veneer is not perfect, I saw it in a chippy light.  I went straight for my Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint stash and with Dean's suggestion, I chose Grain Sack.  SO glad I did!

Can't you see this greeting you as you come in your door?

So much storage!  The inside was brightened up with a coat of Lucketts Green.

I LOVE the chippiness!  See how it actually makes the missing veneer look fabulous?

Though I'm pretty sure these are not the original knobs, I left them wood for a nice contrast.

I just love the farm fresh feel this has now - and its new purpose!

 I didn't have time to properly stage for the pictures.  Dean was able to help take it to the shop this afternoon after work and I finished it right before he got home.  It was a mad rush and a cloudy day, but I did the best I could. :)  

I truly love using Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paints and all of her products. Speaking of that, I will have some EXCITING news in the next couple of days!  Woohoo!

This piece is now available in our space at R&R Antiques in downtown Fredericksburg.

'til next time!

Linking to:

Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Feature Friday
Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint Masterpiece Monday

Jun 15, 2015

Vintage Factory Cart Re-Do - - From Rusty to Industrial Chic

Boy, this has been a busy weekend!  Lots going on - housework, yard work and finishing up several projects for the shop.  My favorite?  This gorgeous vintage factory cart that we transformed from a little too rustic to industrial chic.

We picked up two of these at Lucketts and I finally got to one of them last week.  

It took hours to scrape, clean, seal and paint that metal - in 97 degree weather.

We replaced the wood on this one with some old walnut boards that we had in storage for years.

I brushed on two coats of PolyShades in Antique Walnut.  It turned out so pretty!

I realized when I got home from the shop that I didn't get any good pictures of the top, or from other angles....but when we went back today, it had already sold!

Now on to the next one!

'til next time!

Jun 9, 2015

Antique Oak Washstand - A Sleeping Beauty

I have a love-hate relationship with Craigslist, but I did score a great find yesterday!  I spotted this little jewel just moments after it was listed and was so very lucky to be the first one!  I jumped on it fast, and also claimed the other pieces he had listed, too. 

I'll be honest....I had serious thoughts about painting this one because using unsafe chemicals to restore furniture scares me more now than it did years ago, and this one has a lacquer finish - requiring lacquer thinner to be used.  I did end up refinishing the top because it had some scratches and water marks, but even that took me a little bit of time since I couldn't just sand it without the lacquer gumming up.  After a good washing with the thinner, I finally got it down to the wood.

Once I got the top sanded, I started cleaning the rest of the piece in preparation for the paint...and lo and behold, the gorgeous old tiger oak grain was coming out so beautifully!!  It just had years and years of dirt and grime build up - which I believe may have saved the old finish to some extent.  I stained the top to match of the rest of the piece by using a custom mix of several stains - then finished it off with several coats of sealer this morning.


NO paint on this one....at least not from me.

I love painting furniture, but when I get a sleeper piece like this one, I get a much bigger satisfaction out of restoring it.  It feels like I'm saving a little bit of history every time I can bring a piece back close to it's original state.

Now available in our booth at R&R Antiques in downtown Fredericksburg, VA!

Sometimes, You Just Need to Look Past the Ugly....

Many, many times I will buy the most ugliest piece at auction - then be amused by the looks I get as I proudly walk out with my "prize...