Mar 9, 2015

Busy Week and Feeling Creative

For the past week, my life has been a whirlwind of activity.  I have a lot of things going on, but one by one, I am getting things done!  Tomorrow will be a post about my biggest "project" and a little bit of an announcement.  In the meantime, I am over-the-top thrilled that my Mora Milk Paint Table was featured on both the Silver Pennies and Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint blogs this week!  That definitely provided me the shot in the arm that I needed to boost my sliding self esteem. 

As I had stated in a previous post, I had to tone down my creativity dramatically over the last year as it became almost a necessity to keep paint schemes for my furniture either white or neutral for selling at my last space.  Not that it was a BAD thing....I sold a lot, but I yearned to do my fun stuff again.  I love playing around with colors and different mediums - creating one-of-a-kind pieces.  I am happy to say that I am doing it again!  Since the beginning of this year, I have completed several unique pieces and a Valentine bedroom makeover - which I was super excited to have them each featured on other blogs!  

I had been feeling like the proverbial bird in a cage.  Nowhere to go and not sure what to do. However, after two months of some soul searching and getting back into a creative outlet, I feel so much better...and the warmer weather this week has helped a lot!

So, until tomorrow, here is a quick peek at the before pics of two pieces that I have already finished.  I'll share the "afters" tomorrow.

I never knew these existed....a Lane Record Chest! This one has been transformed into a piece that I think would be perfect for a child's room using Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint in Flow Blue.  It turned out adorable!

I also got this chest of drawers recently.

This isn't much to look at, but it's an older piece with tongue and groove sides.  It has also been transformed using Real Milk Paint Co.'s Light Turquoise and turned out to be chippy coastal cottage chic.  See it tomorrow!

'til next time!

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Sometimes, You Just Need to Look Past the Ugly....

Many, many times I will buy the most ugliest piece at auction - then be amused by the looks I get as I proudly walk out with my "prize...