Jun 7, 2013

The Mustard Seed Milk Painted Dresser Desk

One thing I really love about my job is the fun I have when painting my furniture.  Sometimes I will paint a piece with one color and leave it be, but lately, I've been feeling the creative side of me.  It can come and go, so when I have it, I run with it.

I found this sweet little Dresser Desk at a yard sale this past weekend.  She needed some love and a new back leg, but I saw the potential!

I've been wanting to do something in the MMS Mustard Seed Yellow paint that I had just bought and thought that this piece was a nice size and shape to use it on. 
I sanded and stained the top then gave the rest two coats of milk paint, but it just needed a little something else.  I love it when Marian (aka Miss Mustard Seed) handpaints designs on her dressers, so I pulled in my inner MMS and came up with a design in my head.  I mixed up a small batch of MMS Ironstone milk paint to do the details.  Yes, I know I don't have the touch that she does, but we are all supposed to add our own twist, right?  Seriously, I have more to learn on this technique, but I still like it.
When I started painting the details, the Mustard Seed was still chipping (after letting it sit overnight).  I let it keep going, and when I was done with it all and gave it time to dry,  I used a sanding sponge to give it a good disressing. Two coats of wax, and she's all finished.

The best part of this piece is that it's has a hidden desk! 

This will probably be going with us to the The Vintage Home Market next weekend.  Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Love the color! Turned out perfect! <3 the original handles :)


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