May 23, 2013

Lucketts down.....The Vintage Home Market to go!

I'm really late posting about our time at Lucketts this year.  I took my camera, but never got out to take pictures of this fabulous event!  Shame on ME!!

Luckily, I have a few pictures from friends that stopped by.  This one was taken by Ron Childress....sorry Ron, I cropped myself out. :)

While I was standing in the back taking a very quick lunch break, I spotted Jodie from Pieces!  I LOVE her page and her work!!  She is such a beautiful lady! was a rainy day and I was quite sick with a bad cold. My hair really has seen better days. :)
I did get a chance to run over to Miss Mustard Seed's booth later in the day on Sunday (but did I remember to grab my camera?  NO!!)  I already had one of her books, but bought another so that I could get her to sign it.  Her Mom was with her and was just the sweetest lady ever!  She kept me entertained with her stories while I waited for my turn with Marian. 
I got the biggest kick out of watching Sarah and her aunt from Hunt and Gather, who were set up across from us.  They were so much fun!  And, I LOVED the pink tent!!  This is Sarah's picture taken probably on Sunday because they were full in the beginning.
Photo:  Hunt and Gather
I really, really wish I had taken pictures!  Since this was my first Lucketts show, I was literally in a frenzy all day Saturday and on Sunday, I was just about shot.  My fever had spiked in the morning, and I was on cold medicine.  I went all winter long without any sniffles whatsoever, then it had to hit on THIS weekend.  Isn't that what they call Murphy's Law?
Here are some other shots sent to me by Ron!

I loved, loved, LOVED being part of Lucketts and cannot wait for next years' show!  We did quite well and I learned a lot.  I'll be making several changes to our set up, one being a larger space!  Having to cram everything into a narrow space because of the weather was not an easy task. 
Our next show will be at The Vintage Home Market on June 15 & 16 at the Richmond Raceway Complex in Richmond.  This one is just a hop, skip and a jump from our house, so our schedule will be a little more relax as opposed to having get up a 4:00 am to make the daily trek to Lucketts.  Plus, this one is indoors, so weather won't threaten us and our furniture!

I WILL take pictures at this event!  It's promising to be a great show!!

1 comment:

Sometimes, You Just Need to Look Past the Ugly....

Many, many times I will buy the most ugliest piece at auction - then be amused by the looks I get as I proudly walk out with my "prize...