Feb 28, 2014

Statement Chair and One Kings Lane's New Home Decor Resource Guide

When I was approached by One Kings Lane to do a feature post on a statement chair in our home that shows my style, I had a really tough time coming up with something that nails it.  Like most antique and repurpose dealers, the décor in our home is constantly changing (except for our "retail" sofa and recliners) and the pickings for "that" chair in our home are slim these days.  
So, instead, I went back into my archives to come up with something that I think shows what I truly love.  Comfort, style and a little rustic chic.

This chair, for example, was found in a not so acceptable condition.  I remember when I bought it at an auction for a song, everyone looked at me like I was crazy - including my hubby.  However, I knew all the parts were there and putting it back together was not going to be hard at all.
I glued it all back, painted it a creamy white and used a sage color burlap for the seat - adding that slight touch of rustic texture I love.  The most expensive part of the whole project was having to buy a piece of thick foam and paying someone sew a cover for it.  That was before I took my sewing machine out of the attic after 20+ years....  I even had a little footstool with similar legs that I recovered to match.

This picture was taken a couple of years ago with an older camera I had.  It's a bit grainy, but hopefully the beauty comes across.  It was oh so comfy and didn't last any time in our store.  It definitely goes down as one of those I wish I had kept.
If you are looking for inspiration for your statement chair or would love to find out some information about your favorite one, check out the new One Kings Lane's Home Décor Resource Guide for tons of ideas and information!  You can look up the styles, history and more in just a few clicks.  You may even find that perfect accent for your home!
'til next time! 

Feb 26, 2014

Little Rocking Chair Goes to the Beach

Flashback to the 60s....that was definitely what this little rocking chair was screaming.  It was missing all of the padding and trim that I know it must have had at some point, but I knew I could breathe new life into it.  What kind, I didn't know.

I had just purchased some American Paint Company paint in Voyager and suddenly got inspired.  I could see the soft blue alongside some burlap and a twine back.  Instant beachy chic!
After painting it and covering the seat with some foam and a piece of a feed sack, I used some burlap ribbon to make the ruffle.  By simply pulling a thread through, it gathered into a really nice ruffle (no sew!).  Some hot glue and a burnt finger later, I had the seat done! 
On to the back.  I had found some rushing in my stash that ended up being perfect.  As I had absolutely nothing else to do at 2 a.m. except watch TV, I weaved the rushing in and out until I got this.  Such a peaceful time, and I did get to catch up on some episodes of Rehab Addict.  :)

I finished this sweet little chair just before Dean got up to go to work.  He has learned that some of my "greatest" ideas come to fruition in the middle of the night...and admits that I am abnormally normal.  There is no better time of day for me to be inspired and creative.
So....here is what it looks like now!  A small, but such a cute project.  These chairs can be picked up so cheaply (wonder why?).  Another life saved!
I'd love to find more and do different themes.  So many ideas spinning around up there.
This chair is available in our space at Through the Garden Gate Antiques.
'til next time!

Feb 25, 2014

Going Au Naturale - With Furniture, That Is

Sometimes I buy a piece with the full intention of putting a few coats of paint on it, but once we got this baby home, I had the hardest time convincing myself that it was o.k. to paint this one.  Believe it or not, Dean had actually agreed to me painting it! (For those that don't know, Dean is much more of a wood purist than I am and we disagree often in regards to furniture painting).

It was not particularly pretty in it's condition, but I really don't like the whole refinishing process.  After a little thought and a lot of procrastination, I grabbed the denatured alcohol and started wiping it down with steel wool, just to see.  All that gook started melting off and the gorgeous wood starting shining through!  After scrubbing it down for several hours (and in really bad light), I left it in a heap of mess overnight.

This morning when I saw it in daylight, I actually did the happy dance!  After several more hours of scrubbing and sanding, it was ready for a little stain.  I have to admit...I cannot stand the look of an old piece of oak furniture that has been stripped and refinished so much that it looks like new.  I LOVE patina and left some of the old "grime" throughout the piece, especially in places where I feel it would build up naturally.  I also used dark walnut stain to give it more of a fumed oak look.  I love this wood, but am NOT a fan of honey oak!
To finish it off, I used dark wax to seal and protect.  It ended up with a super smooth finish and gorgeous sheen.

When we began the business, it was based on the pieces that we bought and restored.  Painting furniture came much later when the "craze" really started (and seems to be here to stay).  It really does feel good to revert back to my roots and restore a piece - to the best of my ability.  Don't get me wrong....I still love to paint!  I have a gorgeous bonnet top linen press in the basement that's going to get several coats of milk paint tonight!

'til next time!

Feb 12, 2014

Busy, Busy and More Busy - And a New Location!

I'm back!!  It has been quite a while since I posted to my blog, but things have been crazy, to say the least.  We just did a big show and now we're moving into our third Stone Creek location!  Crazy! 
With that (drum roll)....our latest location is in the infamous Through the Garden Gate Antiques in Mechanicsville, VA!  Featured in magazines and well known in the Richmond area, this amazing store is full of breathtaking displays and fabulous shops.  It has been a favorite place of mine to shop for years and we're excited at the opportunity to further grow our business there. Pam and Ronnie are fellow vendors and neighbors at the Lucketts Markets and TTGG is their baby.  Starting from a small space at a local Antique shop years ago, they have since built an extraordinary business.


We are just starting to fill the space and this is what our booth looks like so far. Pardon the quality.  I forgot the "good" camera and had to rely on our iPhones for pictures quickly as they were closing.

It's coming along and we have another big load to take.  Still lots of room and bare walls to fill and vignettes to make.

This chandelier is gorgeous....

Great grain sack striped table and super old tricycle.

I'm an oak fanatic...
This petite chandelier matches the large one in the center of the space!

We recently scored these beautiful old Miller & Rhoads hat boxes.  Love them!!

My attempt at making an "old" sign using a discarded footboard.

This is it!  Now that we are getting ready to get snowed in...I'm hoping to get back there in a few days. 

Having so many spaces, in addition to doing shows, IS a lot of work; however, I see it as building an investment portfolio.  With each location, we enter different markets, find different creative energies depending on the shops and shows, and are able to reach out and gain a larger customer base while connecting with more amazing business owners.  It does not mean that one location is better than the other, just very different - and I enjoy the variety.  This is my view and at the end of the day, our business is my income, and I have to do everything possible to ensure there is a nice paycheck at the end of the month.  A lot more work? Yes.  More enjoyable? Absolutely.  Grass doesn't grow under these toes!

So, if you are traveling along US Route 301, stop and visit this wonderful store.  In the meantime, visit their Facebook page to see the types of merchandise they have to offer.  Love Magnolia Pearl?  They have that, too!!

'til next time!


Sometimes, You Just Need to Look Past the Ugly....

Many, many times I will buy the most ugliest piece at auction - then be amused by the looks I get as I proudly walk out with my "prize...